[BUG] Server keeps crashing after it was moved to a different node
Decaf1 opened this issue ยท 8 comments
What happened?
- Server was moved to a different node, crashed every startup
What should happen?
Steps to reproduce
- Put the 1.1.14 jar in mods folder
- Start server and keeps crasing
- 1.12
- 1.14
Mod version 1.1.14
Config file
Crash report if available (use https://paste.dimdev.org)
Caused by: java.util.ServiceConfigurationError: org.spongepowered.asm.service.IMixinServiceBootstrap: Provider org.spongepowered.asm.service.modlauncher.MixinServiceModLauncherBootstrap could not be instantiated
Additional info
Try adding _aaa to the start of the file name to let it load before all other mods. Might be some other mod loading before and using an older version of Mixin
I have tryed your solution, does not work.
Keeps crashing after my host switched machines for me. Before worked like a charm.
^Server Log.
When removing your plugin .jar no problems when adding it instant crash even when naming it _aaa to top. still crash
It doesn't use any. It communicates with https://discordapp.com/api
Does it work with version 1.1.13? It uses an older version of mixin, so it might be more compatible with other mods
Does it work with version 1.1.13? It uses an older version of mixin, so it might be more compatible with other mods
We use minecraft 1.12.2 with Revelation 3.2.0 Mod Pack
Try with mod version 1.1.13 on your server instead of the latest one (1.1.14)