Discord Integration Forge

Discord Integration Forge


[Suggestion] Separate Channel for admin commands

Mx772 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


In the advanced section, I know there is options like chat input channel, etc.
It would be nice to have one that just listens to commands.

My use-case here is I have 1 channel where multiple servers dump their chat into and people can reply.
However I have a reboot bot on my discord server that after a specific amount of votes to reboot, will reboot the server.

Right now, my work-around is to have the json commands tie up to the specific server... like:
"stop ATM3":{"adminOnly":true,"mcCommand":"stop","description":"Stops the server","aliases":["shutdown"],"useArgs":false}

Which is fine, but thought it would also be useful to potentially be able to just split those into a separate channel.


Just realized you already implemented this and I didn't see! Sorry!! #20