Discord Integration Forge

Discord Integration Forge


[Bug]: RejectedExecutionException when shutting down server

Birbs-world opened this issue · 0 comments


What happened?

mod version - dcintegration-neoforge-3.0.7-1.21
neoforge version - 21.1.80

upon shutdown i get the following errors and from the log despite (shockbytes console) saying the server shutdown gracefully i don't believe it did shut down gracefully
below is the enitre log output after pushing shutdown

Game Version


What platform are you using?


Platform version


Config File

# General options for the bot
  # Insert your Bot Token here!
  botToken = "REDACTED"
  # The channel ID where the bot will be working in
  botChannel = "REDACTED"
  # The bots status message
  # %online% - Online Players
  # %max% - Maximum Player Amount
  botStatusName = "%online% players online"
  # The bots status message for 1 online player, set to empty to use botStatusName
  # %online% - Online Players
  # %max% - Maximum Player Amount
  botStatusNameSingular = "%online% player online"
  # The bots status message for no online players, set to empty to use botStatusName
  # %online% - Online Players
  # %max% - Maximum Player Amount
  botStatusNameEmpty = "No-one is online"
  # Type of the bots status
  botStatusType = "CUSTOM"
  # URL of the bots stream when using the status type 'STREAMING'
  # Has to start with https://twitch.tv/ or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=
  streamingURL = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ"
  # Enable checking for updates?
  # Notification will be shown after every server start in log when update is available
  enableUpdateChecker = true
  # The minimum release type for the update checker to notify
  # Allowed values: release, beta, alpha
  updateCheckerMinimumReleaseType = "beta"
  # Set to false to disable config migration from other mods/plugins to this one
  # This does not prevent updating of this config after mod updates
  allowConfigMigration = true
  # Set to true to suppress warning of unsafe mod download location
  ignoreFileSource = false
  # Set to true to allow relaying webhook messages
  allowWebhookMessages = false
  # Set to false to disable automatic config tweaking to fix known issues
  # Your config file will not be sent anywhere during this
  # This feature is not implemented yet
  allowAutomaticBugFixing = true
# Some settings that can be tweaked to increase compatibility with other mods, if required
  # Disables modifying sent chat messages in-game to show who was pinged. (Will not convert <@1234567890> to @User)
  # This may fix mods also modifying sent messages
  disableParsingMentionsIngame = false
# Configuration options for commands
  # Toggle the entire command feature
  # Disabling this will disable registering any commands to discord
  enabled = true
  # The Role IDs of your Admin Roles
  # Now supports multiple roles which can access admin commands
adminRoleIDs = [  "REDACTED", "REDACTED"  ]
  # Add your custom commands here
  # You can also generate some on https://erdbeerbaerlp.de/dcintegration-commands/
  # Enable the list command in discord
  listCmdEnabled = true
  # Show list command only for the user who runs it
  hideListCmd = true
  # Enable the uptime command in discord
  uptimeCmdEnabled = true
  # Show uptime command only for the user who runs it
  hideUptimeCmd = false
  # Enables using local commands for faster registration
  # Local Commands will register all slash commands directly to the server instead of to the bot
  # Setting this to true requires the bot to be invited with the scope 'application.commands' to work
  useLocalCommands = false

      name = "kick"
      description = "Kicks an player from the Server"
      mcCommand = "kick %player% %reason%"
      textToSend = ""
      adminOnly = true
      hidden = false

          name = "player"
          description = "The player to be kicked"
          optional = false

          name = "reason"
          description = "Reason for the kick"
          optional = true

      name = "stop"
      description = "Stops the server"
      mcCommand = "stop"
      textToSend = ""
      adminOnly = true
      hidden = false
args = [    ]

      name = "kill"
      description = "Kills an Player or Entity"
      mcCommand = "kill %target%"
      textToSend = ""
      adminOnly = true
      hidden = false

          name = "target"
          description = "The target(s) for the kill command."
          optional = false
# Toggle some message related features
  # Changing this to an language key (like en-US, de-DE) will always attempt to download the latest language file from https://github.com/ErdbeerbaerLP/Discord-Integration-Translations
  # Setting to 'local' disables downloading
  language = "local"
  # Should /say output be sent to discord?
  sendOnSayCommand = true
  # Should /me output be sent to discord?
  sendOnMeCommand = true
  # Adding an selector (ex. @a ) here will relay all /tellraw messages sent with that exact same selector to discord.
  # Leave blank to disable
  tellrawSelector = ""
  # When an /say command's message starts with this prefix, it will not be sent to discord
  # Useful for hiding system messages by prepending it with this
  sayCommandIgnoredPrefix = "§4§6§k§r"
  # Should Discord users have their role color in-game?
  discordRoleColorIngame = true
  # Should you be able to hover and click on the discord username in-game?
  enableHoverMessage = true
  # List of characters that should be removed from usernames and chat messages before sending TO discord
charBlacklist = [  "", ""  ]
# Settings for embed mode
  # Enabling this will send configured messages as embed messages
  # See below configuration options of this category to see what messages can be moved to embeds
  enabled = true

    # Starting & Started Messages
      # Send as embed?
      asEmbed = true
      # Color of embed bar
      colorHexCode = "#57f287"
      # Custom embed JSON, will overwrite color setting. For more info, check the documentation at https://github.com/ErdbeerbaerLP/DiscordIntegration-Core/wiki/embed-mode or ask on discord.
      customJSON = ""

    # Stop & Crash Messages
      # Send as embed?
      asEmbed = true
      # Color of embed bar
      colorHexCode = "#ed4245"
      # Custom embed JSON, will overwrite color setting. For more info, check the documentation at https://github.com/ErdbeerbaerLP/DiscordIntegration-Core/wiki/embed-mode or ask on discord.
      customJSON = ""

    # Player join message
      # Send as embed?
      asEmbed = true
      # Color of embed bar
      colorHexCode = "#57f287"
      # Custom embed JSON, will overwrite color setting. For more info, check the documentation at https://github.com/ErdbeerbaerLP/DiscordIntegration-Core/wiki/embed-mode or ask on discord.
      customJSON = ""

    # Player leave messages
# Also containing timeouts
      # Send as embed?
      asEmbed = true
      # Color of embed bar
      colorHexCode = "#ed4245"
      # Custom embed JSON, will overwrite color setting. For more info, check the documentation at https://github.com/ErdbeerbaerLP/DiscordIntegration-Core/wiki/embed-mode or ask on discord.
      customJSON = ""

    # Player Death message
      # Send as embed?
      asEmbed = true
      # Color of embed bar
      colorHexCode = "#000000"
      # Custom embed JSON, will overwrite color setting. For more info, check the documentation at https://github.com/ErdbeerbaerLP/DiscordIntegration-Core/wiki/embed-mode or ask on discord.
      customJSON = ""

    # Advancement messages
      # Send as embed?
      asEmbed = true
      # Color of embed bar
      colorHexCode = "#fee75c"
      # Custom embed JSON, will overwrite color setting. For more info, check the documentation at https://github.com/ErdbeerbaerLP/DiscordIntegration-Core/wiki/embed-mode or ask on discord.
      customJSON = ""

    # Player chat messages
      # Generate unique chat colors from player uuid?
      generateUniqueColors = true
      # Send as embed?
      asEmbed = false
      # Color of embed bar
      colorHexCode = "#808080"
      # Custom embed JSON, will overwrite color setting. For more info, check the documentation at https://github.com/ErdbeerbaerLP/DiscordIntegration-Core/wiki/embed-mode or ask on discord.
      customJSON = ""
# Advanced options
  # Custom channel ID for server specific messages (like Join/leave)
  # Leave 'default' to use default channel
  serverChannelID = "REDACTED"
  # Custom channel ID for death messages
  # Leave 'default' to use default channel
  deathsChannelID = "REDACTED"
  # Custom channel for for in-game messages
  # Leave 'default' to use default channel
  chatOutputChannelID = "REDACTED"
  # Custom channel where messages get sent to minecraft
  # Leave 'default' to use default channel
  chatInputChannelID = "REDACTED"
  # Allows you to change the target URL for the API to make it usable with custom discord instances like Spacebar
  # DO NOT CHANGE if you don't know what you are doing!!
  baseAPIUrl = "https://discord.com"
# Config options which usually only have an effect when using forge
# sendItemInfo was ported to fabric but kept here for config compatibility
  # A list of blacklisted modids
  # Adding one will prevent the mod to send messages to discord using forges IMC system
IMC_modIdBlacklist = [  "examplemod"  ]
  # Show item information, which is visible on hover in-game, as embed in discord?
  # Ported to fabric but kept here for config compatibility
  sendItemInfo = true
# Configuration for linking
  # Unlink players when they leave the discord server for whatever reason (ex. leave,kick,ban)?
  unlinkOnLeave = true
  # Should discord linking be enabled?
  # If whitelist is on, this can NOT be disabled
  enableLinking = true
  # Set Discord nicknames to match Minecraft usernames when linked
  shouldNickname = false
  # Enable global linking?
  # Does not work in offline mode
  globalLinking = true
  # Database interface class
  # This allows you to change your database implementation
  # Add database implementations using the addon system
  # Do not change without knowing what you are doing
  databaseClass = "de.erdbeerbaerlp.dcintegration.common.storage.linking.database.JSONInterface"
  # Role ID of an role an player should get when he links his discord account
  # Leave as 0 to disable
  linkedRoleID = "0"
  # Enable discord based whitelist?
  # This will override the link config!
  # To whitelist use the whitelist command in the bot DMs
  # It does NOT override the vanilla whitelist
  whitelistMode = false
  # Adding Role IDs here will require the players to have at least ONE of these roles to link account
requiredRoles = [    ]
  # Adding setting keys to this array will prevent those settings to be changed
  # They will still show up in the list though
settingsBlacklist = [    ]

    # Allows you to configure the default values of some personal settings
      default_useDiscordNameInChannel = true
      default_ignoreReactions = false
      default_pingSound = true
# Webhook configuration
  # Whether or not the bot should use a webhook (it will create one)
  # This will only work in standard channels
  enable = false
  # The avatar to be used for server messages
  serverAvatarURL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ErdbeerbaerLP/Discord-Chat-Integration/master/images/srv.png"
  # The name to be used for server messages
  serverName = "Minecraft Server"
  # Use the server name and avatar for RCON
  useServerNameForRcon = true
  # Use the server name and avatar for Console
  useServerNameForConsole = true
  # The URL where the player avatar gets fetched from
  # %uuid% - Returns the player's UUID with dashes
  # %uuid_dashless% - Returns the player's UUID without dashes
  # %name% - Returns the player's name
  # %randomUUID% - Returns an random UUID which can be used to prevent discord cache
  # https://www.tydiumcraft.net/docs/skinapi supports both bedrock(floodgate) and java players
  # Default - https://api.tydiumcraft.net/v1/players/skin?uuid=%uuid%&type=avatar&randomuuid=%randomUUID%
  playerAvatarURL = "https://api.tydiumcraft.net/v1/players/skin?uuid=%uuid%&type=avatar&randomuuid=%randomUUID%"
  webhookName = "MC_DC_INTEGRATION"
# Configuration for the in-game command '/discord'
  # Enable the /discord command to show an custom message with invite URL?
  enabled = true
  # The message displayed when typing /discord in the server chat
  message = "Join our discord! REDACTED"
  # The message shown when hovering the /discord command message
  hoverMessage = "Click to open the invite url"
  # The url to open when clicking the /discord command text
  inviteURL = "REDACTED"
# The command log channel is an channel where every command execution gets logged
  # Channel ID for the command log channel
  # Leave 0 to disable
  channelID = "REDACTED"
  # The format of the log messages
  # %sender% - The name of the Command Source
  # %cmd% - executed command (e.g. "say Hello World"
  # %cmd-no-args% - Command without arguments (e.g. "say"
  message = "%sender% executed command `%cmd%`"
  # A list of commands that should NOT be logged
ignoredCommands = [  "list", "help", "?", "home"  ]
  # Invert the meaning of the ignoredCommands configuration (make it ONLY log those commands)
  commandWhitelist = false
# Configure votifier integration here
# (Spigot only)
  # Should votifier messages be sent to discord?
  enabled = false
  # Custom channel ID for Votifier messages
  # Leave 'default' to use default channel
  votifierChannelID = "default"
  # The message format of the votifier message
  # %player% - The player´s name
  # %site% - The name of the vote site
  # %addr% - (IP) Address of the site
  message = ":ballot_box: %player% just voted on %site%"
  # Name of the webhook title
  name = "Votifier"
  # URL of the webhook avatar image
  avatarURL = "https://www.cubecraft.net/attachments/bkjvmqn-png.126824/"
# Configure Dynmap integration here
  # The message format of the message forwarded to discord
  # %sender% - The sender´s name
  # %msg% - The Message
  dcMessage = "<%sender%> %msg%"
  # Custom channel ID for dynmap chat
  # Leave 'default' to use default channel
  dynmapChannelID = "default"
  # Name of the webhook title
  name = "Dynmap Web-Chat"
  # URL of the webhook avatar image
  avatarURL = "https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/minecraft_gamepedia/images/9/91/Map_Zoom_0.png/revision/latest?cb=20200311153330"
  # The name format of the message forwarded to the dynmap web-chat
  # %name% - The discord name of the sender (including nickname)
  # %name#tag% - The discord name with tag of the sender (without nickname)
  webName = "%name% (discord)"
  # Name shown in discord when no name was specified on the website
  unnamed = "Unnamed"
# Configure some plugin-specific BStats settings here
# Everything can be seen here: https://bstats.org/plugin/bukkit/DiscordIntegration/9765
# Does not apply to fabric yet, as there is no bstats for it
  # Allow sending of installed addon stats (Name and version of installed addons)
  sendAddonStats = true
# Settings for servers running as Bungeecord-suberver
  # Set this to true if the server is running as an subserver of an bungeecord network and therefore needs to be in offline mode
  # Setting this will force account linking in offline mode
  # Do NOT use for actual offline mode servers, as this will break the linking feature because of the UUIDs!
  # Currently no support for floodgate running on bungee
  isBehindBungee = false

Crash report / Error log (if applicable)

25/11 18:44:18 [INFO] WARN StatusConsoleListener Unable to register Log4j shutdown hook because JVM is shutting down. Using SimpleLogger
25/11 18:44:19 [ERROR] java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException: The Requester has been stopped! No new requests can be requested!
25/11 18:44:19 [ERROR] at TRANSFORMER/[email protected]/net.dv8tion.jda.internal.requests.Requester.request(Requester.java:111)
25/11 18:44:19 [ERROR] at TRANSFORMER/[email protected]/net.dv8tion.jda.api.requests.RestFuture.<init>(RestFuture.java:42)
25/11 18:44:19 [ERROR] at TRANSFORMER/[email protected]/net.dv8tion.jda.internal.requests.RestActionImpl.submit(RestActionImpl.java:209)
25/11 18:44:19 [ERROR] at TRANSFORMER/[email protected]/net.dv8tion.jda.api.requests.RestAction.submit(RestAction.java:693)
25/11 18:44:19 [ERROR] at TRANSFORMER/[email protected]/de.erdbeerbaerlp.dcintegration.common.DiscordIntegration.lambda$sendMessage$10(DiscordIntegration.java:922)
25/11 18:44:19 [ERROR] at TRANSFORMER/[email protected]/de.erdbeerbaerlp.dcintegration.common.WorkThread$1JobAction.run(WorkThread.java:58)
25/11 18:44:19 [ERROR] at TRANSFORMER/[email protected]/de.erdbeerbaerlp.dcintegration.common.WorkThread.executeJob(WorkThread.java:70)
25/11 18:44:19 [ERROR] at TRANSFORMER/[email protected]/de.erdbeerbaerlp.dcintegration.common.DiscordIntegration.sendMessage(DiscordIntegration.java:905)
25/11 18:44:19 [ERROR] at TRANSFORMER/[email protected]/de.erdbeerbaerlp.dcintegration.common.DiscordIntegration.lambda$sendMessage$11(DiscordIntegration.java:1021)
25/11 18:44:19 [ERROR] at TRANSFORMER/[email protected]/de.erdbeerbaerlp.dcintegration.common.WorkThread$1JobAction.run(WorkThread.java:58)
25/11 18:44:19 [ERROR] at TRANSFORMER/[email protected]/de.erdbeerbaerlp.dcintegration.common.WorkThread.thread(WorkThread.java:26)
25/11 18:44:19 [ERROR] at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1583)
25/11 18:44:20 [SYSTEM] Server has stopped gracefully.

Additional Information

additionally the saved logs don't contain anything from after shutdown signal