Decorative Blocks

Decorative Blocks


Palisades are a bit odd to break or mine

DesertNightFury opened this issue · 2 comments


(Very Sorry for submitting two bugs in a row, discovered this and the other one both very recently)
Palisades seem to take the same very long time to mine no matter the tool being used on them, it's quality or enchantments? From what I can tell, mining them with an efficiency 5 diamond axe is no better than a stone axe, for example. It makes them a bit of a pain to clear out. Please fix if not intended behaviour? Would appreciate very much.


More issues for me to fix, the better! I'll look into what's causing this, too.


My thoughts are, based off of seeing Jade (what am I looking at sort of mod) not showing any specific tool to mine it with, there might be a missing tag there somewhere. Jade shows an axe for other wooden blocks. Hope this helps
(i do not know anything about mod coding)