Decorative Blocks

Decorative Blocks


1.20.1 watchdog crash with version 4.1.3

DelviousCrafts opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I am getting a consistent watchdog crash with version 4.1.3. This appears to be a mod interaction bug as just having decorative blocks installed works just fine, but with 360 mod installed, I'm having difficulty narrowing down exactly which mod, or mod combo, seems to be the issue. The only common ground I can find is that 4.1.2 seems to work just fine, but installing 4.1.3 causes the crash. This happens on both server and single-player.

The crash report indicates that Mega Cells is the issue but with only that, decorative blocks 4.1.3, and required mods for Mega Cells, there is no crash. I have also attempted to increase RAM availability, and cranking the watchdog timer up to 300 ticks to no avail.

I'm providing the latest and debug logs for both 4.1.2 and 4.1.3 along with the crash report in hopes that you'll have better luck deciphering what's causing the issue than I have.

Latest with 4.1.2
Debug with 4.1.2

Latest with 4.1.3
Debug with 4.1.3
Crash Report with 4.1.3


  • Minecraft: 1.20.1
  • Forge: 47.2.20
  • Decorative Blocks 4.1.3

Seems to have been fixed by whatever mod was causing the issue. Weird that it didn't happen when DB was in 4.1.2 but did in 4.1.3, but it appears to have been another mod's issue.