Deeper and Darker

Deeper and Darker


Server crashes when a player joins

netfix9 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


how do i update the customportalapi version in the mod?


This can be fixed just by updating to 0.0.1-beta64.5-1.20.2

This is caused by the "Avoid serializing object-based payload into PacketByteBuf on the main thread" changes in Fabric API 0.91.0.

You can switch to Fabric API 0.90.7 until Deeper and Darker updates the version of Custom Portal API it uses.

how do i update the customportalapi version

You can compile it yourself and then add it to your mods folder. Go to the 1.20.2 branch, download as a zip, extract the zip, open the folder in a terminal and run ./gradlew build. It'll be in the same folder -> build -> libs. Use the non-sources jar.

(I'm sure there's a way to get it from the maven repo but I don't know how)


Fixed in 1.2.6