[Bug] Soul Elytra Boost does not work in Trinket Cape slot
twenty41 opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Minecraft Version: 1.21
Mod Version: 9.0.0
Mod Loader: fabric 0.16.5
I use Trinkets and Elytra Slot, as I think tons and tons of people also do. So Elytras can be used in the cape slot, alongside chestplates.
The Soul Elytra works in this slot, but only as a normal Elytra. The boost hotkey does not work, and fills in with "Left Shift" though that also does nothing.
To Reproduce:
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
With Trinkets and Elytra slot, try boosting with the Soul Elytra
In the chestplate slot:
In the Cape slot, via Elytra Slot mod:
Additional context:
If there is any way I could bridge this compatibility myself let me know. But I think this is a very common combination of mods that may be worth official compat
This would probably have to be fixed by the elytra slot mod. It works in the previous version of Deeper and Darker (1.2.6). Also duplicate of #335