Defense Systems

Defense Systems


Bug: camera boxes forget their defense computer

Mirka1405 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Bug Report

Please explain your issue: After leaving and reloading the world, camera boxes do not detect enemies.
MC Version: 1.18.2
DefenseSystems version: 1.0.0
Fabric Loader version: 0.14.19
Fabric API version: 0.67.0
Platform: Windows
Steps to reproduce bug: Set up defence, then leave and reload the world. After breaking and placing back the camera box, everything works as usual.


Plains & bunch of caves underneath. Haven't experimented a lot.


Radars don't seem to have the same issue. I only checked telescopic IR camera box.


I wasn't able to reproduce this bug. Are there any other conditions in the environment than just the computer? I do know of a bug involving snow that prevents camera vision.