Defiled Lands

Defiled Lands


[Suggestion] Crafttweaker Support for Defilement

MasterEnderman opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Minecraft version : 1.12.2

Defiled Lands version : 1.4.3

I would like to tweak the defilement recipes of this mod with crafttweaker, like adding new transformations and removing old ones. That makes it easier to integrate Defiled Lands in a modpack I'm currently working on. :)

import mods.defiledlands.defilement;

defilement.remove(output as IItemStack, input as IItemStack (optional));
defilement.addRecipe(recipename as string, output as IItemStack, input as IItemStack);

Main issue is that defilement works on blockstates and not itemstacks, and I'm not sure there's a clean way of integrating that kind of compatibility. (Also why a recipename string?)

It's unlikely I'll add such a big feature into the mod now as I've kind of left it behind, but if someone can get a good PR of it I'll see what I can do.