[Request] How to handle unknown ores
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Is there a way to prevent or replace unknown ores within DL biomes? For example, when using SaltyMod, you'll find salt ore in the defiled lands, but it doesn't fit.
That's ore from Thermal Foundation, and beside it is Limestone from the Chisel mod. In the background you see marble from Astral Sorcery.
What I mean: Those brighter patches look ugly, they ruin the atmosphere of the dark environment. It would be fantastic to address this somehow. I'm thinking of additional replacing features at world generation, if that's possible:
- copper, tin, silver, lead, nickel -> umbrium
- Biomes O' Plenty gems -> scarlite
- blocks from Chisel, Earthworks, Astral Sorcery -> defiled stone
And it would be nice to have defiled gravel or replace gravel with defiled dirt.
The biomes already don't replace Gold, Lapis Lazuli and Redstone, and I don't plan on making them replace those or any modded ore. Eventually I'll add config to register custom corruptions if you want to, but that is not high in my priority list.
An interesting thing would be to add equivalent defiled ores for gold, emerald, lapis lazuli, and maybe redstone, and maybe for common modded metals and gems like copper, tin, silver, lead, nickel, platinum, ruby, sapphire, peridot... I suggest that the emerald turn into golden book wyrm, and add tools from this gem.