Defiled Lands

Defiled Lands


suggestion of new defiled blocks

0Navis0 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


I noticed many blocks haven't their defiled equivalent, I think it would be interesting to add them.

  • gravel
  • brick
  • mossy stone and brick stone
  • clay and hardened clay
  • glass and glass pane (could be got by smelting defiled sand)

Oh it's awesome. I would suggest defiled clay and hardened clay with the adding of defiled mesa, and obscure brick when smelting defiled clay.


This will eventually come, but won't be for the next update or two.

I originally wanted to intentionally leave clay/bricks/terracotta out in order to have an easily obtainable "defilement proof" block so that people could still build stone bricks/cobblestone houses and make gardens with grass in defiled biomes provided they make a large enough foundation out of it.


Defiled Gravel has been added.


Thanks it looks nice. Defiled clay and hardened clay could be added too, it would enable you to make defiled mesa biome. I think defiled brick and glass could be added too.


Obscure Glass (which kinda acts as defiled Glass), Defiled Mossy Stone (for Moss Stone) and Defiled Mossy Stone Bricks (for Mossy Stone Bricks) are gonna be added in 1.10 version.