Diet (Fabric/Forge/Quilt)

Diet (Fabric/Forge/Quilt)


[Five Food Groups]: Quality Crops & Quality's Delight Compat

Reotte opened this issue ยท 0 comments


If applicable, which other mod(s) is/are involved in your request?

Quality Crops
Quality's Delight

What is the new support or change you're requesting?

Quality Crops

This mod, includes new quality system to crops. Basically like Stardew Valley. All tiers gain a multiplier in both saturation and nutrition based on their rarity:

-Iron Quality: x1.25

-Gold Quality: x1.5

-Diamond Quality: x2

Quality's Delight

This mod includes Foods from couple Farmer's Delight and it's addons' food as well. ex: If you craft the food with all Gold Quality Materials, the food will have Gold Quality and its saturation/nutritions.