Diet (Fabric/Forge/Quilt)

Diet (Fabric/Forge/Quilt)


[Feature]: Compatibility with the "Inventory Profiles Next" mod

CiciHoneyBee opened this issue ยท 2 comments


What is the new feature or improvement?

Hello! Love the mod, however I noticed that the diet button overlaps with the inventory profiles next sorting button as seen below. Not a huge deal but if possible, it would be great if this was fixed, ty!

Screenshot (242)


The position can be changed in the configuration file config/diet-client.toml.

#If enabled, a button to the Diet GUI appears in player inventories.
addButton = true
#The x-position of the Diet GUI button in player inventories.
#Range: -10000 ~ 10000
buttonX = 100
#The y-position of the Diet GUI button in player inventories.
#Range: -10000 ~ 10000
buttonY = -22
#The primary text color of the Diet GUI, as an integer or hex code.
textColor = "4210752"

2024-05-28_20 42 15

But an interface in the GUI with Mod Menu would be welcome:
Screenshot from 2024-05-28 20-49-44.


Oh that's great, ty! I agree