Diet (Fabric/Forge/Quilt)

Diet (Fabric/Forge/Quilt)


[Bug]: cannot start server after removing the mod.

SWAGMASSIAH opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Minecraft Version


What happened?

We made a modded server to mess around in, and later voted to remove the Diet system. But when I delete/disable the mod, the server just refuses to run... Further testing shows that the game crashes immediately the moment a world is created or entered, in multiplayer or offline.
We tried to delete the variable/ID in the crash report (see attached image at the bottom), unfortunately it restores itself upon launching the server.
The full crash report has nothing about the issue except this:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: "diet:natural_regeneration" is not a valid id in registry: Registry[ResourceKey[minecraft:root / minecraft:attribute] (Experimental)].
Current Registry Values:
0. "minecraft:generic.max_health"

  1. "minecraft:generic.follow_range"
  2. "minecraft:generic.knockback_resistance"
  3. "minecraft:generic.movement_speed"
  4. "minecraft:generic.flying_speed"
  5. "minecraft:generic.attack_damage"
  6. "minecraft:generic.attack_knockback"
  7. "minecraft:generic.attack_speed"
  8. "minecraft:generic.armor"
  9. "minecraft:generic.armor_toughness"
  10. "minecraft:generic.luck"
  11. "minecraft:zombie.spawn_reinforcements"
  12. "minecraft:horse.jump_strength"
  13. "combatroll:distance"
  14. "combatroll:recharge"
  15. "combatroll:count"
  16. "paraglider:max_stamina"
  17. "dungeons_libraries:summon_cap"
  18. "dungeons_libraries:follower_cost_limit"
  19. "dungeons_libraries:soul_gathering"
  20. "dungeons_libraries:soul_cap"
  21. "dungeons_libraries:life_steal"
  22. "dungeons_libraries:ranged_damage_multiplier"
  23. "dungeons_libraries:magic_damage_multiplier"
  24. "dungeons_libraries:artifact_cooldown_multiplier"
  25. "caelus:fall_flying"
  26. "forge:swim_speed"
  27. "forge:nametag_distance"
  28. "forge:entity_gravity"
  29. "forge:reach_distance"
  30. "forge:attack_range"
  31. "forge:step_height_addition"
  32. "tetra:draw_strength"
  33. "tetra:draw_speed"
  34. "tetra:ability_cooldown"
  35. "tetra:ability_damage"
  36. "galosphere:illager_resistance"
  37. "witherstormmod:target_stationary_flying_speed"
  38. "witherstormmod:slow_flying_speed"
  39. "witherstormmod:evolution_speed"
  40. "witherstormmod:hunchback_follow_range"
  41. "obscure_api:critical_hit"
  42. "obscure_api:critical_damage"
  43. "obscure_api:dodge"
  44. "obscure_api:parry"
  45. "obscure_api:magic_damage"
  46. "obscure_api:magic_resistance"
  47. "obscure_api:penetration"
  48. "obscure_api:regeneration"
  49. "obscure_api:healing_power"
  50. "obscure_api:accuracy"
  51. "obscure_api:resilience"
  52. "enlightened_end:radiationresistance"
  53. "environmental:stealth"


How do you trigger this bug?

1.Delete Diet from instance after at least running it once
2.Try to relaunch the world
3.Fail :(



Loader Version

Forge - 43.3.7

API Version

No response

Mod Version

Diet 2.0.1

Relevant Log Outputs

No response