Diet (Fabric/Forge/Quilt)

Diet (Fabric/Forge/Quilt)


[Request] Config Option for Starting+Death Diet %

Sakonas opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Similar to the Nutrition mod for 1.12, it would be great to have the option to change the starting % to allow for negative player effects upon falling below a certain % threshold. Additionally, having a % penalty on death would introduce a bit of balance for the added % upon starting a new world and overall add a bit of difficulty and benefit to maintaining the diet group values.


I believe what you want already exists, unless I'm missing something.

  1. You can set the starting % of each diet group. Go into diet-groups.toml in the serverconfigs and edit the default_value field to the percentage that you want.

  2. You can set the percentage death penalty. Go into diet-server.toml in the serverconfigs and edit the death penalty values to whatever you want.