Diggus Maximus

Diggus Maximus


Exhaustion not working on 1.2.10 release

91bba748 opened this issue · 3 comments


1.15.2 client. Log shows nothing. Full food bar after mined 8 stack of stones.


Are you playing on a server? Can you post the contents of the config(config.json5)? Just want to verify it’s not a config issue before I start troubleshooting


I'm on local single player world.
Fabric API build 312

    // Mod enabled or disabled
    "enabled": true,
    // Activation key
    "keybinding": "key.keyboard.grave.accent",
    // Should mine diagonally
    "mineDiag": true,
    // Maximum number of blocks to mine
    "maxMinedBlocks": 64,
    // Maximum distance from start to mine
    "maxMineDistance": 10,
    // Automatically pick up drops
    "autoPickup": true,
    // Tool required to excavate
    "requiresTool": true,
    // Stop before tool breaks
    "dontBreakTool": true,
    // Stop excavating when tool breaks
    "stopOnToolBreak": true,
    // Should tool take durability
    "toolDurability": true,
    // Should player get exhaustion
    "playerExhaustion": true,
    // Multiply exhaustion when excavating
    "exhaustionMultiplier": 1.0,
    // Other items to be considered tools: "minecraft:stick"
    "tools": []

Can you try this build? I changed the way I modified exhaustion so it might fix the problem for you.

Also mining does give a very small amount of exhaustion(0.005F) per block mined, perhaps try playing with the exhaustion modifier to verify it is in fact working?