Diggus Maximus

Diggus Maximus


Doesn't work with Modular Mining Drill from Industrial Revolution

echoofskyz opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Im playing All of Fabric 3 on a server and veinmining works with all industrial revolution mining drill tiers except the modular mining drill. when using the drill with vein mine blocks still go directly to your inventory, but it only mines about three blocks in a line from where you look, ignoring block type


thanks, might it be theoretically possible to jank my client to use diggus instead and have it work on a server? sounds like a project that i might be actually able to do, so long as this is client-side


The mining drill has its own vein mining built in powered by magma. Magma is incompatible with Diggus and overpowers it. I've looked into solving the incompatibility on my own but couldn't come up with a nice way of doing so. I think a nice fix would be if IR or magma added a way for Diggus to disable their veinmining and just use Diggus instead


Unfortunately I don't think so, not without modification of the mods on the server. All of Diggus' logic happens on the server side, besides the activation of the keybinding. The client just simply tells the server that the button is pressed. From my testing, Magma mines the blocks before Diggus even gets the chance. Diggus ignores air blocks and doesn't attempt to spread when reaching one, which is why it does not work.


I was thinking more along the lines of downloading the source of indrev and building my own version of it with the vein mine disabled somehow after a bit of searching I found that holding shift disabled the magma vein mining I don't really care about the expansion module for the drill so I could probably do something to have it always in the shift/disabled mode, but I have no idea of what magma is or if it might be possible to have it in the disabled mode without being in sneak in a server. Im gonna do some messing about with it tomorrow I think.