Diggus Maximus

Diggus Maximus


1.17.1 Forge says mod is not compatable. Cannot activate either...

RepoDraghon opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Picture https://repodraghon.tumblr.com/post/666416162469511168

Modpack is latest "Better Minecraft [FORGE]"

Also, tried removing the Tree mods and it still didn't work.


DiggusMaximus is a mod for Fabric, it is not compatible with Forge. Did you add this mod to the modpack or was it already there?

Sorry for the confusion!


That would explain a lot... It's mentioned it was based off of mods made for Forge but either I'm blind or nowhere in the description says it is for Fabric. That's where the confusion is.


The short project summary mentions that it is a mod for Fabric, and all the jar downloads are marked as compatible with Fabric. I blame curseforge for not giving us a better way of marking a mod for Fabric.

That said I did mention it in the description now