Dimensional Doors Legacy

Dimensional Doors Legacy


Cross-Dimensional Doors Not Functioning As Expected

Kerororon opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I am playing with DimensionalDoors in a multiplayer server. I am attempting to use a pocket dimension (created with an Iron Door) as a "hub" of sorts to link different locations in the world. I have tried two processes, both of them behaving in ways inconsistent with expected behavior but also with different results.

Attempt 1
First, I used the Stabilized Rift Signature to open a rift within the pocket dimension. Following that, I opened a second rift at the desired location in the Overworld, and placed an Iron Dimensional Door on top of the Overworld rift. Entering this door behaved as expected-- It took me to the Hub area I had already constructed, though the end inside the pocket dimension did not generate a door. Upon trying to place a door on the Rift within the pocket dimension, trying to walk through the door gave the message "this rift doesn't lead anywhere". This would not change even when the door was replaced by a wooden dimensional door.

Attempt 2
Process was repeated exactly, except this time the first door was placed in the pocket dimension's rift instead of the overworld. This did not produce the same "This Rift Doesn't Lead Anywhere" message, but instead spit me out of the same door I had gone in to begin with.


Is this the intended behavior? That the stabilized signature is a many-to-one teleport with no way back?

I see an opportunity here for a killer feature...that the stabilized signature, still many-to-one, sends you back through the door you came it. Return trip could be saved to your character when you enter ala Nomadic Tents.

Think of it. You could set up a server hub/bar/trade bazaar in a pocket, put doors in every major player grouping you find, so people from all over can group up for some activity and then be able to go right back home. Using normal signatures isn't really the answer unless you want to make a teleport hub, come in, go out any way you want. Otherwise, if you don't use two way normal rifts, you can, what? Send them back to spawn? Limbo? Who wants to do that....


If you are using a stabilized rift signature and the other side has a red entryway when looking through the door, switch to a normal rift signature. The stabilized rift signature can lead to one exit with multiple entrances, where as the normal rift signature has what you're looking for.