Dimensional Doors Legacy

Dimensional Doors Legacy


Minecraft Server with Dim Doors and Ender IO Will Not Start

ace4x0 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I have been running Dim Doors no problem on our Minecraft Server for a month or two now. Then we decided to add Ender IO and Ender Core mods to the server. For some reason when we added them, the server crashes every time it trys to load Dim Doors. If we remove Dim Doors, the server starts just fine. Even stranger is that on a single player client you can run both although the transition though a dimensional door to a pocket dimension is noticeably lagier when first creating the dimension.

Here are logs on pastebin of the server crashing at Dimensional Doors. Do a Ctrl+F for Dimension and it will be toward the bottom. The first link is the full logs. The second link is just where it seems to start going down hill in the logs so it is the cut down version. If there is anything I can do to help please let me know.

Full Version: https://pastebin.com/E1An6Zj9
Shorter Version: https://pastebin.com/E9XFnbCX

P.S. One of the testers from Ender IO pointed out an issue they saw with Dim Doors code when I mentioned this on their discord. There issue is here: #125