Dimensional Doors Legacy

Dimensional Doors Legacy


Please add an item to get to your pocket dimension without placing a door

twothe opened this issue ยท 0 comments


One of the features I love about this mod (besides getting killed by devious traps) is the ability to have a base on the go. The big downside is that whenever you want to enter that area you have to place down a new door or use the sword in combination with a rift signature, but that causes a rip in reality in the overworld and then you also can't go back.

It would be very convenient if there was an item that would teleport you to your base, and if used again back to where it was used last.

The way I would imagine this thing to work would be that I first shift-right click that item on a dimdoor, which will bind this item to this door. Using that item later will have two effects: after 3 seconds of uninterrupted casting I am teleported to the bound door (as if I would have stepped through one on the other side) . Secondly that door will now teleport to the place I used the item the last time (indefinitely, until the item is used again). Stepping back through that door will then send me back to where I was, but without creating a rift in reality.

It is necessary that this item does not use any form of "fuel" to operate, as then it would be no different than a sword and rift signature.