Dimensional Doors Legacy

Dimensional Doors Legacy


Disconnecting from Server after using Inventories

0xmycf opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I used the newest build (19-7-21) (build it myself and used it), but also the CurseForge version as well as a version from 06-07-21.
Whenever the mod was installed on the server I was unable to use any inventories without immediately losing the connection.

Sadly I got no real error messages, however I got the following. I'm not sure of this is connected:

19.07 02:10:16 [Server] Netty Epoll Server IO #2/ERROR Could not serialize org.dimdev.dimdoors.command.arguments.PocketTemplateArgumentType@7ffd2d82 (class org.dimdev.dimdoors.command.arguments.PocketTemplateArgumentType) - will not be sent to client!
19.07 02:10:16 [Server] Netty Epoll Server IO #2/ERROR Could not serialize org.dimdev.dimdoors.command.arguments.EnumArgumentType@1e18e3bc (class org.dimdev.dimdoors.command.arguments.EnumArgumentType) - will not be sent to client!


Could you please provide full logs/ any additional relevant information.