Dimensional Doors Legacy

Dimensional Doors Legacy


Several small visual bugs.

pyro448 opened this issue ยท 7 comments

  • All door items added by Dimensional Doors are unusually large in the hand and when dropped as items.

  • The sky in Limbo is white, and the red eye in the sky is not visible when using the night vision effect.

  • Transdimensional trapdoors are missing the portal effect.

Mod version: "dimdoors-3.0.0-beta-4" which is currently installed on the test server.


The limbo sky isn't white for me and the sun renders correctly. Does this happen when you run only DimDoors and no other mods?


I removed all mods except for Dim Doors, and the sky appeared normal. However, the first observation was done on the test server, while this second observation was in singleplayer.

I also noticed that dying inside a pocket dimension does not send you to limbo. I ended up using the teleporter item from Custom NPCs to teleport to limbo, and then removed Custom NPCs once I was there.


Dying in a pocket dimension should not send you to limbo. Only dying in the dungeon pocket dimension (/dimteleport 687 0 0 0) should. Does it still happen on the test server with only DimDoors and Biomes O Plenty?


The dungeon pocket dimension sent me to limbo upon death as expected. The sky in limbo appears normal. However, I now remember I had the night vision effect active when I was there last time. Upon applying the effect, the sky became white.


Night vision bug is vanilla behavior of inverting the fog color.

        if (entity instanceof EntityLivingBase && ((EntityLivingBase)entity).isPotionActive(MobEffects.NIGHT_VISION))
            float f15 = this.getNightVisionBrightness((EntityLivingBase)entity, partialTicks);
            float f6 = 1.0F / this.fogColorRed;

            if (f6 > 1.0F / this.fogColorGreen)
                f6 = 1.0F / this.fogColorGreen;

            if (f6 > 1.0F / this.fogColorBlue)
                f6 = 1.0F / this.fogColorBlue;

            // Forge: fix MC-4647 and MC-10480
            if (Float.isInfinite(f6)) f6 = Math.nextAfter(f6, 0.0);

            this.fogColorRed = this.fogColorRed * (1.0F - f15) + this.fogColorRed * f6 * f15;
            this.fogColorGreen = this.fogColorGreen * (1.0F - f15) + this.fogColorGreen * f6 * f15;
            this.fogColorBlue = this.fogColorBlue * (1.0F - f15) + this.fogColorBlue * f6 * f15;

Doesn't happen when the fog is completely black (pocket dimensions) because of how Forge fixes a vanilla division by zero bug:

            // Forge: fix MC-4647 and MC-10480
            if (Float.isInfinite(f6)) f6 = Math.nextAfter(f6, 0.0);

So in short, the black sky being turned bright white, is the intended implementation of Vanilla Night Vision.

