Dimensional Doors Legacy

Dimensional Doors Legacy


Chunkloading error with cubic chunks

theishiopian opened this issue ยท 4 comments


If you end up in limbo while you have cubic chunks installed, you get stuck at y=700 in limbo, and no chunks will load. This effect persists even if you leave limbo, causing chunks to not load in the overworld. Reloading the world fixes the issue. The console log seems to contain no helpful information.


@Barteks2x would you have any idea why this would be happening?


This issue can be closed as it's a bug in cubicchunks, the issue also happens when dying in the nether.


I would probably have to debug it to see what is wrong. My guess is that the mod does dimension transfer in a way cubic chunks doesn't like. Some methods in PlayerChunkMap don't get called or get called twice or in the wrong order or with the wrong arguments. The fact that you can rejoin the world without shutting down mc with task manager means there is no server hang caused by portal search code.


This is very likely to be a bug in my code.