Dimensional Doors Legacy

Dimensional Doors Legacy


Loss of inventory before teleportation to Limbo

xily opened this issue ยท 10 comments


Observed on DimensionalDoors-3.0.9-287 w/ latest Forge modloader

  • When I die inside a dungeon dimension, I die for real (and drop all inventory) and get teleported to Limbo only after I click on Respawn button.
  • Also, monoliths in dungeon dimension don't seem to teleport me to Limbo.

Legacy behavior would have me teleported to Limbo instead of actually dying.

Is this a new feature or an unfortunate bug?


Yes, the default behaviour was changed. We thought it would be better this way, since the loot in the dungeon is rare, so the risk should be high too. It also makes exploring dungeons more risky, so the traps actually scare the player this way.


Yes, we'll add a config option.


Thank you very much for the quick reply. I understand the choice.
Is there any plan to make this a configurable option?


Thank you very much! Closing the ticket.


Leave it open until we implement the config option. Otherwise we might forget.


has this config been made yet? Cause I was unaware of this change to make dimension door related deaths kill your stuff and also you for spooky factor...

I ask since someone playing my modpack, "Transcendence" came to me about losing their stuff in a dimension door pitfall and had the same idea of not losing stuff when being limbo'd and thought it was related to a tombmanygraves grave eating their stuff into a grave after death before being transported.

So this was actually your intended change to make it more hardcore and scary?

also was wondering about the monolith TP while in the dungeons themselves. since I got blocked off inside a tunnel cause of an unfortunate mining efficiency occurence and a bullshit explosion entry way so broke some stuff to make them spawn and get TP'd to limbo the quick way to get out, but they wouldn't have it, even as I kept harrassing them with magic spells and projectiles. :V


We haven't released any update since this issue was made, so no, it's not in the mod at the moment.

EDIT: Also, this issue is still open. :)


Just asking. since theres that hardcore limbo config, but now that I think on it again, thats the thing where death in limbo respawns you there or something, isn't it? :V anyways, would definitely appreciate the requested config also once yous get to it.


Any workarounds for this? It renders the mod effectively incompatible with TombManyGraves.

Also, in rare cases players with very poor connections will fall through the floor on entering the dungeon dimensions, subsequently dying. A config option would go a long way to mitigating this.


I think tomb many will spawn your grave close to the void... the idea would be, to be very careful, and try to get back there and if you're vanilla, water scaffold your way down there and get your stuff if you're gutsy. or use any other shenanigans you can.

Although, alternatively my friend told me one time after he got voided that corail tombs gravestones apparently appear at the last point you were on solid ground. since in my last pack with corails, it was fine. he popped into the room that was destroyed to find his grave right there where he dropped off.

corail also has a fast return thing with it's graves. which is really damn nice. and the minor magical side of it's death knowledge stuff, and already comes pre-equipped with bauble and aether compat and stuff, which I think were a couple of the big issues with tombmany if you don't do addons for it. give it a shot. alternatively, some form of inventory saver like grave pet in inventory pets or soul bound or spectre anchors in random things might do the trick for key items. even some form of recall that works between dimensions to clutch yourself out. ;)