Dimensional Doors Legacy

Dimensional Doors Legacy


RiftRegistry loads all dimensions whenever a player changes dimensions

Rsslone opened this issue ยท 2 comments


There is something weird going on with DimDoors, when I go into a door, my server starts loading all the planets I have from Advanced Rocketry. I'm not sure whats going on here but below is my server log, you can find the start of the problem if you control+F the phrase "RiP Server"



Well, I can agree with this comment:

Looks like half a SingleTon Instance implementation. It's supposed to load all dimensions once in order to create a Rift Registry for all of it together, but it shouldn't do this every time a player changes dimension.

I'll talk it over with @Runemoro and we'll see what we can do. Thank you for the report. :)


We did some rough testing and from what I can see it would do it once every server restart to the first person who went into a dimdoor.