Dungeons generating outside of world boundaries
starborne-nova opened this issue ยท 2 comments
This is probably only a problem for smaller multiplayer servers, but I limited our map to a 7500 block radius to save on memory. After I found the first out of bounds dungeon, I tried making it a 10,000 block radius but I'm still seeing some dungeons sending you beyond the boundary for an insta-kill.
Would you consider adding an option to limit the size of the "Dungeon Dimension" so it plays nice with map limits?
I think my mod does do this? Ever since 1.18.2 there is an option in the server config for "worldborderToRespect".
Most versions of Minecraft do not let you set a different worldborder per dimension. (Not without mods.) And this option may not work in certain versions of Minecraft, either. Which version are you on?