Dirt Slab [FABRIC]

Dirt Slab [FABRIC]


Bottom slab snow isn't perfect (currently using isSnowNearby)

MrFantiVideo opened this issue ยท 4 comments



Glad to see that the snow is compatible! However, I found 2 bugs.
The first is the two gray slab which form a block of gray dirt but also this one:

Snow on a dirt seems to have an impact on those around it.


I just built 0.2.1 to address issue 14 (grey grass): #14


The snow behavior is intended. The idea was that I have no way to currently place the actual snow layer on the bottom half slab (same problem as #9). The grass bottom slabs looked bad along a snowy incline, so I thought that it should be snowy if it is near snow.


There is not a solution that allows when we place a block above, it "connects" the texture & the borders? Even if the block remains considered solid above, it seems to me to have already seen that on certain mods.

In the same principle as the textures which connects to each other with Optifine for example


I'm not saying there isn't a solution like that, merely I am still a bit new at this and this was the easy path that I liked and went with. Totally open to change things, and of course open to PRs too