commands results to "Unknown command"
Cronosus opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Base informations
Minecraft version:
DiscordIntegration version:
Link to pastebin with (censored) config: Optional
Expected behavior
executed command
Actual behavior
any nondiscord command return
"Unknown command. Try /help for a list of commands"
i think ist caused by / in command, console commands working without slash and if you add /,then in cosole have same result
only commands with "discord .." working, but any custom command, not even default commands showed in example config v3, not working
Steps to reproduce
just add any command
Your config has restart, tps, online, kick. Which of these doesn't work? Looks like restart has a typo, "astop" instead of "stop".
When player joins or leaves, is there any error in the server console?
restart and kick and any other i tried to add
and yes, we have astop instead of stop (its timed stopping)
and no errors with messages, in discord is typed default message in english, i dont know where is problem, maybe is this playerJoin, playerLeft and playerDeath not correct
when i type in console just "astop" then its normally executed, but when i rype "/astop" then i have this exact error "Unknown command. Try /help for a list of commands"
then i think its caused by slash "/" added by mod to command
In your configuration you use commandPrefix "!" but you want to issue the commands with "/", so i think you are trying to execute the commands ingame. These commands are for use in Discord only, the game itself does not know about them, hence the message.
- Also note that canExecuteCommands is set to false in your configuration, so make sure you enable it in your channel settings
i mean discord->minecraft commands
and i tried with true and with false.. still have this "Unknown command. Try /help for a list of commands"
discord tried to use command configured, but i think it uses wrong prefix or something
problem is not "it cant use command" but problem is "it uses wrong command"