Any way to strip commands made by server from relaying?
tmzasz opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Base informations
Minecraft version:
DiscordIntegration version:
3.0.5 ( shows 3.0.4 in console when a msg is redirected for some strange reason )
Server type and version: Forge/Spigot/Sponge
Link to pastebin with (censored) config: Optional
Expected behavior
Actual behavior
Steps to reproduce
have server issue any command and the bot puts the command in the channel
while setting up i noticed that the discord bot will relay server commands as well as player commands when relay commands is enabled im wondering if theres an easy way to filter out the servers commands from the relay as things like this
[Server] executed discord config reload
[Server] executed discord config reload
[Server] executed discord config reload
[Server] executed discord config reload
[Server] executed discord config reload
and this ( from my auto restart script )
[Server] executed say going down for restart in 5 mins!!!
[Server] going down for restart in 4 mins 45 seconds!!!
[Server] executed say going down for restart in 4 mins 45 seconds!!!
[Server] going down for restart in 4 mins 30 seconds!!!
[Server] executed say going down for restart in 4 mins 30 seconds!!!
[Server] going down for restart in 4 mins 15 seconds!!!
[Server] executed say going down for restart in 4 mins 15 seconds!!!
are flooding the discord channel. i believe i can do it using the regex thing but not entirely sure how
Within your dimension generic config, you can add:
"relaySayCommand": false
Same for relayMeCommand
Personally I just opted not to relay any commands, I set relayCommands
to false.
For regex, I'm not sure exactly how it looks in the config but probably one of these:
"messageIgnoreRegex": ["going down for restart in"]
or maybe
"messageIgnoreRegex": [/going down for restart in/]
also inside the dimension generic config. That should filter out the going down for restart messages. If you wanted to filter only some of them then I could help you craft that regex as well.