In regards to the command set list in issue #166
Gunner76th opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Base informations
Minecraft version:
DiscordIntegration version:
Server type and version: Forge/Spigot/Sponge
Link to pastebin with (censored) config: Optional
Expected behavior
The commands listed in issue #166 to be usable in game or from the console to add, edit, and remove commands from the discord json without having to manually edit as described in the aforementioned issue tracker.
Actual behavior
When attempting to use any of the listed commands, server replies back with "[Server thread/INFO] [minecraft/DedicatedServer]: unknown command" since "/discord custom" is not a valid command. Currently the only sub arguments for /discord that is supported is: config, link, online, tps, unlink, unstuck, uptime
Steps to reproduce
Using the current version of DI (3.0.5) setup a pure forge server with forge 2831. Attempt to issue the command "/discord custom addperm [name] [permission]" or any of the other commands listed in issue #166 Instead of the command executing properly, the server instead replies back with "[Server thread/INFO] [minecraft/DedicatedServer]: unknown command"
Screenshot of command being issued and subsequent error message: