Can you print Server thread/INFO messages to Discord? (Such as when named animals die)
katubug opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Base informations
Minecraft version:
DiscordIntegration version:
Server type and version:
Link to pastebin with (censored) config: Optional
Expected behavior
This isn't really a bug, more of a feature request/question. I'd like it do print to Discord whenever a named animal dies. Currently this works for player deaths, but not named entities. I checked my log to see what kind of message type it was:
[10:37:45] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer]: Test Cow was slain by Katu
But no matter how I set the config (tried enabling fake player chat as well as changing the mod imc to an empty blacklist instead of whitelist), it doesn't seem to post those messages to Discord. Is there a way to do this? Or would it be possible to add? It's not a crucial issue, but it would be a nice option to have.
Thank you for your time!