Issue with Setting up Config
ZaneDragonBorn opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Base informations
Minecraft version:
DiscordIntegration version:
Server type and version: Forge/Spigot/Sponge
Link to Pastebin with (censored) config: Optional
Expected behavior
It to Work
Actual behavior
Nothing happens
Extra Info
I've set this up before but forgot to make a backup. After deleting my Configs because it had many old configs in there I was of course deleted. Now I must set it up again with the !list command. I have followed the instructions from the site but nothing happened. I know its the config and was hoping you guys could fix it for me. Thanks
Ok so I Fixed the Config but it doesn't say "Server Starting" or "Server Stopped" anymore. New Pastebin
The Pastebin is the same but Still, no Server Started or Stopped. Not even Crashed. The bot Doesn't talk at all. I have Confirmed it Does work because if I type "hello" in Discord it relays into Minecraft.
In the end, it just doesn't talk in discord but does in Minecraft. I've reinstalled and reset the config multiple times. Hope this gets fixed. If you need more info just ask.