[1.12] No chat relay
NielsPilgaard opened this issue · 6 comments
Base informations
Minecraft version:
DiscordIntegration version:
Link to pastebin with (censored) config: Optional
Forge Version 1.12
Expected behavior
I was expecting the bot to relay chat between Minecraft and the set channel.
Actual behavior
The bot is visible in the side of the Discord channel, but it doesn't actually relay any chat, nor server messages such as player joined.
Steps to reproduce
Follow setup instructions from https://wiki.discordintegration.net/How-to-get-a-token-and-channel-ID-for-Discord (Which is no longer a valid url?)
I'll second this as an issue. I can't get it work with this discord section. I know my Token ID and channel IDs are good because they worked with the 1.10 version of the Unstoppable server we had setup. We are currently beta testing the new 1.12 before public release of the pack.
"discord": { "token": "redacted Token ID", "ignoresBots": true, "allowLinking": true, "ignoresUsers": [], "channels": { "generic": { "commandPrefix": "!unstoppable ", "canExecuteCommands": false, "stripMinecraftCodes": true, "allowDMCommands": false, "relayChat": true, "messages": { "chatMessage": "[{USER}] {MESSAGE}" }, "discordChannel": [redacted channel ID], "commands": [] }, "channels": {} }
EDIT: This is the same symptom reported by NillerMedDild. The BOT shows online and active but never joins the channel.
Here's what I'm using for when I'm testing
"discord": {
"ignoresBots": true,
"allowLinking": true,
"ignoresUsers": [],
"channels": {
"generic": {
"commandPrefix": "!",
"canExecuteCommands": false,
"stripMinecraftCodes": true,
"allowDMCommands": true,
"relayChat": true,
"messages": {
"chatMessage": "§7[§b§lD§r§7] {USER}: {MESSAGE}"
"commands": [
"name": "tps",
"command": "discord tps",
"enabled": true,
"aliases": [],
"permissions": []
"name": "online",
"command": "discord online",
"enabled": true,
"aliases": [],
"permissions": []
"channels": {
"webhook": MY_WEBHOOK_URL
"minecraft": {
"dimensions": {
"generic": {
"ignoreFakePlayerChat": true,
"relaySayCommand": true,
"relayMeCommand": true,
"canMentionEveryone": true,
"canMentionHere": true,
"messageIgnoreRegex": [],
"relayServerStart": true,
"relayServerStop": true,
"relayServerCrash": true,
"chatPrefix": "",
"canMentionUsers": true,
"canMentionRoles": true,
"discordChannel": [
"relayAchievements": true,
"relayChat": true,
"relayPlayerJoin": true,
"relayPlayerLeave": true,
"relayPlayerDeath": true,
"messages": {
"chatMessage": {
"normal": "**[{USER}]** {MESSAGE}",
"webhook": "{MESSAGE}"
"command": {
"normal": "**[{USER}]** executed **{COMMAND} {ARGUMENTS}**",
"webhook": "*executed **{COMMAND} {ARGUMENTS}***"
"playerJoin": {
"normal": "**{USER}** just joined the server!",
"webhook": "*Joined the server!*"
"playerLeave": {
"normal": "**{USER}** just left the server!",
"webhook": "*Left the server!*"
"playerDeath": {
"normal": "**{USER}** just died due to {REASON}!",
"webhook": "*{REASON}*"
"achievement": {
"normal": "**{USER}** just gained the achievement **{ACHIEVEMENT}**!\n*{DESCRIPTION}*",
"webhook": "*Gained the achievement **{ACHIEVEMENT}**!\n{DESCRIPTION}*"
"serverStart": "Server started!",
"serverStop": "Server stopped!",
"serverCrash": "Server crash detected!"
"dimensions": {}
"imc": {
"enabled": true,
"mode": "whitelist",
"list": []
I still cannot get it to work - Am I required to fill out webhook channel, moderation channel etc?
If you don't use it, remove it
Also make sure it's valid JSON - https://jsonlint.com/
Right, I've finally gotten it to work - It was my own mistake to put it mildly. I had "" around the channel ID, as I thought it was a string. Sorry about that Chikachi, and thanks for the help.