


Small Issues with Commands & Mentions & Console Spam

Inrixia opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Base informations

Minecraft version:
1.7.10 & 1.10+

DiscordIntegration version:

Link to pastebin with (censored) config: Optional

Expected behavior

!online and !tps Show results in Discord.
Join/Leave Messages showup.
Mentions to roles work.

Actual behavior

Minecraft 1.7.10 Only :
Join/Leave messages do not display in discord. No error message. (Maybe a duplicate of: #85)

Messages to minecraft are duplicated in (console only) 5x+ times. You can see in this image:
(Note the server on the right is 1.10 and the left is 1.7.10)
Screenshot from Gyazo

Online and TPS commands do not display and can cause errors in minecraft console... Also does not work with a custom /list command. A custom /list command will work in minecraft though, and /discord online shows online people in console. It just does not forward to discord.
Console Error: https://pastebin.com/zxRrg42B

Also custom commands like !give don't work and give the same error as above. But !tp works fine.

Minecraft 1.10+ & 1.7.10 [Maybe More Versions]
Mentions to roles eg @mod or @admins dont work and give the id instead.
EG: @mod gives: <@78046497789181954> in discord.

Steps to reproduce

Run my configs and Join/Leave/!online/!tps/Mention a Role.

Note: All servers are using the exact same config.


@chikachi Any ETA on a fix? Not being able to see people Join/Leave or !online is really disabling :)


Sadly I don't have any ETA yet, as there have been a lot of issue reports lately and work have been busy.