[BUG] Testing 1.3.1 - 1.4 pre version
Xarmat-GitHub opened this issue ยท 8 comments
I will put all bugs that I can find in this Ticket:
Crash at join world AFTER enable "B:"Generate Configs"=true":
- Moment before crash log: https://pastebin.com/6MiY497X
- Vanilla Fix Log: crash-2021-10-21_13.40.12-server.txt
FIX: When turning "B:"Generate Configs" back to "false", it don't crash again
Right, some of this requires some clarification.
This is a very silly crash that is probably because of Lycanites Mobs maybe, if that's installed. TL;DR, the creature attribute is null instead of just being EnumCreatureAttribute.UNDEFINED
. Easy fix. Thanks!
DDD Info in books
DDD adds it's own new section for weapon distributions. On the first page, there should be a "Distributions" section. That has the new content.
Piece Influence
Only Head pieces affect the distributions of tools. Handles and Extra pieces have no effect. If you mean this influence information shows up on tool rods when they shouldn't then yes, that's unintentional. But if no distribution related info is showing up, then that's intentional. Mattocks have two head pieces, so both heads contribute to the distribution. But something like a shovel only has one head piece
Conarm integration isn't complete in this prerelease. This is just for Tinkers. All the Conarm problems you have is just because it's not done yet ๐
Weird config values
You may have generate configs turned on. This will generate config values for entities that don't have configs set. Passive mobs, players and creepers don't have a base damage distribution since they don't inflict damage. But there's no way for the config generator to 'know' which mobs inflict damage, so it adds entries anyway. Looks like it added the player twice though, so that's interesting. This is likely what's also happening with Conarm armor and the slime boots. Conarm armor doesn't have values in the armor distributions as they get default values injected at runtime and their distribution will be determined by the (incomplete) integration. Slime boots don't have armor distributions since they don't provide armor points.
Lycanites config values aren't added yet. They will be added with the rest of that integration.
Do you have a crash log or something for when Minecraft doesn't start without Conarm but with Tinkers?
No DDD Informations in Books.
I think I saw a screenshot on Discord where DDD values showed up in the tinker Books. screenshoot
Discord Link to progress that I am missing: https://discord.com/channels/750481601107853373/763191962106069012/894990091951419392
Note: Parts that has no direct effect of the DDD Types may be hidden (e.g. tool rod).
At the moment, the "influence" of a tool rod does nothing.
Conarm Armor has no Armor Informations when using shift:
When turning "Never Hide Info"=true, there are also no informations.
(all armor have this problem, helm, chest, legg...)
her is my config without changes on the tinker side:
Test Obsidian Chestplate vs Spider Pircing Attack: No effect, 100% damage
(Armor Immunity Trades: "obsidian;ddd_piercing" dont work)
Here is a problem with ~conarm configuration OR the mod does something wrong...
Note: Conarm Armor has wired values:
More values that are kind of broken: https://pastebin.com/E8NJhLGP (the creeper for example)
S:"Armor Material Distribution" in the config is empty,
testing own values: "iron;[(ddd_pircing,1)]"
Also repair "Armor Resistance" in config: conarm:chestplate;[(ddd_slashing, 1), (ddd_piercing, 1), (ddd_bludgeoning, 1)]
Result Iron Armor: No effect, Armor still has no DDD values in tooltip, no damage reduction
No config generation for "Lycanites Mobs" (not sure if the config from Dreammes is imported jet)
Mod Dependencies:
- Minecraft don't start when Conarm is not installed (but tinkers is)
- Minecraft starts when Tinkers + Conarm is not installed
Note: Tetra is not in my mod folder while testing all this things!
Other mods can be deleted from the mods folder without crashing the game (Lycantries Mobs)
Finish Testing Round one, hope this helps.
Pleas let me know if there is more to test. ๐
DDD Info in books
I have found it, sorry I miss that ๐
Piece Influence
Yes! Tool Rods and other Parts that are not Head Parts have this Informations on them:
Weird config values
Oh! I didn't know that DDD generate values itself without references.
I thought it generates some from sort of database when mobs of some kind being in the modpack (like Lycantries for example). Good to know ๐
Crash Logs without Conarm
Vanilla Fix: crash-2021-10-22_07.04.16-client.txt