do-a-barrel-roll-2.6.2+1.19.2-forge incompatible with EpicFight-19.5.25 BOTH ARE LATEST RELEASE
Minebrah opened this issue ยท 1 comments
[24Jun2024 21:03:10.284] [Render thread/WARN] [mixin/]: @reDIrect conflict. Skipping do-a-barrel-roll.forge.mixins.json:MouseMixin->@reDIrect::doABarrelRoll$changeLookDirection(Lnet/minecraft/client/player/LocalPlayer;DD)V with priority 1000, already redirected by epicfight.mixins.json:MixinMouseHandler->@reDIrect::epicfight_turnPlayer(Lnet/minecraft/client/player/LocalPlayer;DD)V with priority 1000
Seems like a conflict with epic fight mod. It should be fixed in newer versions of this mod, feel free to reopen if not.
I was using both of the latest versions before and was told it should be fixed in latest version. The latest version came out over a year and a half ago and doesn't work.