Doggy Talents

Doggy Talents


[BUG] NPE when stepping on a dog bed with Primitive Mobs camouflage armor

democat3457 opened this issue · 3 comments


Environment And Mod Information:

  • Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
  • Forge Version: 14.23.2847
  • Doggy Talents Version:
  • Java Version: 1.8.0_221 64-bit
  • Operating System (OS): Mac OS Catalina, 10.15.2
  • Primitive Mobs Version: 1.2.3a
  • Multimob Version: 1.0.5



Issue Description:

When a player wearing camouflage armor steps onto a dog bed (any variant), the game throws a NullPointerException. This also occurs when a Primitive Mobs chameleon steps onto a dog bed (also any variant).

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Wear camouflage armor from Primitive Mobs.
  2. Step onto a dog bed.
  3. Observe that the game crashes. (The world is corrupted until the world is loaded up without DoggyTalents.)
  4. Alternatively, summon a Primitive Mobs chameleon. (/summon primitivemobs:chameleon)
  5. Force it onto (either pushing onto or summoning on top of) a dog bed.
  6. Observe that the game crashes. (The world is corrupted until the world is loaded up without DoggyTalents.)

Additional Information:

  • More Details: The bug was originally reported here. Additionally, the bug was partially fixed by 54229b6, but the camouflage armor fails to show the correct color. (It shows the color of oak planks.)
  • Screenshots: N/A

Hey, thanks for taking the time to create this issue and I'm sorry I didn't get round to resolving it. I've not worked on this project for a while and have decided to archive the git repository. Fear not, there is a fork which might be of interest. I don't expect to be back within the Minecraft community so farewell and happy mining!


Hmmm... In order for this exact scenario to happen, the dog bed's extended state must have a valid "casing" property that has a tile entity with a valid casing IBedMaterial that has a saveId that's not null but is empty ("")... but then it becomes null somehow? Alternatively, the tile entity could not be a TileEntityDogBed... a real conundrum. 🤔


Fix for crash released in v1.15.1.6