Doggy Talents

Doggy Talents


How do you change genders?

YSongCloud opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I cannot seem to find any way to change the gender of a dog. I know that it was said that this is customizable, but I don't see anything in the GUI or config files to change the gender of specific dogs. Am I just overlooking something? Please let me know. Thanks!


Make sure the dog with the gender you want to change is closest to you, then use this command.
To change to male:
/data merge entity @e[type=doggytalents:dog,limit=1,sort=nearest] {dogGender: male}

To change to female:
/data merge entity @e[type=doggytalents:dog,limit=1,sort=nearest] {dogGender: female}


It should be located in saves/$world/serverconfig/doggytalents-server. Might need to thing about moving a fw of the config values to the common config I think it makes more sense to have them there.

You can only disable/enable if dogs have gender can not change the gender once it has been set.


@YSongCloud The genders are randomized, but you can disable them like @percivalalb said


@percivalalb @ @NovaViper Thanks for the info. So it seems like the gender is only either on or off and not something that can be changed per dog once assigned. It's just odd since all 3 of my dogs were assigned males and having them breed is just ... well, I'd have liked to change one of them to female to mirror my real life dogs. Perhaps this could be something that is added in the future? Either way, I'm loving the mod so far!