CRITICAL Collar shears bug which allows other players to steal my dogs.
DashieDev opened this issue · 1 comments
Environment And Mod Information:
- Minecraft Version: 1.16.5
- Forge Version: 36.1.0
- Doggy Talents Version:
- Java Version: [8 Update 231 64 bit
- Operating System (OS): [i.e. Windows 10 64-bit Build 1909]
Issue Description:
On multiplayer, collar shear can be used by other players to un-tame the dog.
I have launched two instances of Minecraft with different profiles for the test, make a LAN world, get both instances to join in. I used profile no.1 to tame a dog and did not change any of his configurations ( Friendly Fire: No, Obey Others: No ), I then got instance no.2 to use the collar shear on the dog right after that and it acts like the dog was his. I think that was not supposed to happen cause I have tested it on 1.12.2 too with DoggyTalent 1 and the other instance was unable to un-tame him.
Steps to reproduce:
- Launch two instances of Minecraft with different profiles
- Create a LAN world and have the other instance joined in
- Get instance no.1 a dog
- Switch to instance no.2 then use the collar shear on him/her
Additional Information:
More Details:
-My version of Minecraft only has Optifine and DoggyTalents 2 installed, no other mod exists in the time of the test. -
Output by /data get command right before collar shears usage : x has the following entity data: {Brain: {memories: {}}, HurtByTimestamp: 0, Owner: [I; 0, 0, 0, 0], level_dire: 0, friendlyFire: 0b, distanceOnWater: 0, Attributes: [{Base: 0.3d, Name: "minecraft:generic.movement_speed"}, {Base: 0.08d, Name: "forge:entity_gravity"}, {Base: 20.0d, Name: "minecraft:generic.max_health"}, {Base: 16.0d, Modifiers: [{Amount: -0.046892433372944256d, Operation: 1, UUID: [I; 101909390, 157634471, -1265841237, -94399367], Name: "Random spawn bonus"}], Name: "minecraft:generic.follow_range"}, {Base: 4.0d, Name: "minecraft:generic.attack_damage"}], Invulnerable: 0b, AbsorptionAmount: 0.0f, dogHunger: 60.0f, mode: "docile", FallDistance: 0.0f, lastKnownOwnerName: '{"text":"DashieDev-Dev"}', InLove: 0, CanUpdate: 1b, customSkinHash: "", HandDropChances: [0.085f, 0.085f], PersistenceRequired: 0b, UUID: [I; 85696493, 1493977296, -1800449827, 1794075582], distanceSneaking: 0, Air: 300s, HandItems: [{}, {}], distanceWalking: 8, ArmorDropChances: [0.085f, 0.085f, 0.085f, 0.085f], CustomName: '{"text":"x"}', Pos: [-157.4208228117902d, 4.0d, -167.47652145586767d], CanPickUpLoot: 0b, HurtTime: 0s, willObey: 0b, Sitting: 1b, FallFlying: 0b, ForcedAge: 0, PortalCooldown: 0, DeathTime: 0s, distanceSprinting: 0, Age: 0, damageDealt: 0.0d, Motion: [0.0d, -0.0784000015258789d, 0.0d], distanceInWater: 0, Health: 20.0f, accessories: [], LeftHanded: 1b, OnGround: 1b, Rotation: [56.073597f, 0.0f], distanceRidden: 0, entityKills: [], dogSize: 3, Fire: -1s, ArmorItems: [{}, {}, {}, {}], dogGender: "male", level_normal: 3, talents: []}
Fixed in e31cac0