Doggy Talents

Doggy Talents


Log Spam

JustinTheBob opened this issue · 2 comments


Environment And Mod Information:

  • Minecraft Version: [i.e. 1.12.1] 1.16.5
  • Forge Version: [i.e.] 1.16.5-36.2.0
  • Doggy Talents Version: [i.e.] 1.16.5-
  • Java Version: [i.e. 8 Update 144 64 bit] 64 bit(idk how to see the other number/info but its up to date)
  • Operating System (OS): [i.e. Windows 10 64-bit Build 17134] Windows 10 64-bit Build 19042


Issue Description:

When launching my server with Doggy Talents the log gets spammed with "expected blah blah" here in the part of the log I am talking about:

Looks like its having the issue with "minecraft", "biomesoplenty", and "botania"? Idk I don't understand what that means. Everything seems to run fine, but im trying to clean up the logs a bit.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Install Doggy Talents
  2. Install Doggy Talents on server
  3. Run the server
  4. Check logs

Additional Information:

  • More Details: I don't know if I have to put install botania and biomesoplenty because it seems to be saying that with just "minecraft" too.
  • Screenshots: N/A

Update: I asked biomesoplenty and botania. (Because idk which mod is actually causing this issue) Waiting on response from biomesoplenty. Botania said “ Doggy talents might not be registering it's stuff correctly” so they think it’s doggy talents. As well as “I have no idea what doggytalents is trying to do here” so idk. I do think it is something with doggy talents since it’s showing the issue with “Minecraft” aswell. I love the mod and hope to figure this out. Thank you!


The dog bed can use the planks types from the Biomeso'Plenty & Botania via an addon on the doggytalents mod. This registerers bed casings using the given mods namespace's but this is done from doggytalent's loading stages - hence the warning. It is not a problem, if I could supress the warnings I would for now you'll just have to ignore them..