Doggy Talents

Doggy Talents


Crash with Wolf Mount talent

ilsilk opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Environment And Mod Information:

  • Minecraft Version: 1.7.10
  • Forge Version:
  • Doggy Talents Version:
  • Java Version, Build, and Byte Type: Version 8 Update 151 64 bit
  • OS Name, Edition, Byte Type, and Build Version: i.e. Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit


Issue Description:

Crash with Wolf Mount talent

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Right click on your dog with Stick in hand
  2. Learn the Wolf Mount talent and close GUI
  3. Right click on your dog with Bone in hand (put the dog on your head)
  4. Jump and right click on your dog without anything in hand
  5. Then server will crash (tested in multiplayer) -
  6. When you join game after crash, you appear in the air very high on your dog (maybe it can help)