Blazing protecion causes crash when "attacker" is null 1.19.2
geesl opened this issue ยท 4 comments
When you apply blazing protection to any entity and it is hit with (in this case an attack from a mob from the cataclysm mod) it produces a crash with a cannot read field "f_19853_" because attacker is null.
This is on Minecraft 1.19.2
Forge 43.2.0
I think I might be having the same problem. Here is my crash report:
I couldn't kill my pets because blazing protection X from apotheosis made them invulnerable, so I tried using gravel... and you can imagine how that turned out LOL
Please implement @AlexModGuy fix. Having the same issue.
@AlexModGuy Commit Narazaka@01cc009 has been posted since Aug 27 2023 and yet it has yet to be implemented to fix this error. Do you have any intentions of updating the mod to include this fix so that this crash no longer happens, and if so, how soon do you plan on pushing the update?