the framed blocks are invisbile or i rather say that they have water texture
AmineMoncef opened this issue ยท 12 comments
Are you using graphics improvement mods, and/or shaders? And which Domum Ornamentum version are you using?
even if i remove the shaders and the resource pack the items still get a texture of a grid that is colored black and purple
Are you using graphics improvement mods, and/or shaders?
And which Domum Ornamentum version are you using?
yes i am using patrix resource pack and seus ptgi shaders withe version domum_ornamentum-1.18.2-1.0.77-ALPHA-universal
actually evry item that is crafted using this mode is watery when using this resourcepack and this shader
and also the bottom of the supply ship seems to automatically get destroyed without any reason after a while of placing the ship
Are you using optifine to load the shaders, or oculus?
yeh im using the forge optifine version of minecraft
Yeah, shaders directly detect them as water just because they exist on several render layers
Yeah, shaders directly detect them as water just because they exist on several render layers
but is their a solution ?
Maybe @marchermans has an idea, but I believe shaders will have to adjust things for this. Moobien recently talked with a shader dev about this
Maybe @marchermans has an idea, but I believe shaders will have to adjust things for this. Moobien recently talked with a shader dev about this
ok thx