Crashed mining a panel
vulgarfatetoo opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Playing the MineColonies Official Modpack 2.3 with some added mods:
- Tom's Simple Storage Mod
- Refined Storage (that I keep meaning to remove lol)
- Carry On
- Catalogue
- updated JEI (compared to the version in the modpack)
- More Overlays Updated
- Elevator Mod
- Just Enough Resources
- Nature's Compass
- Simple Quarry
- Waystones
- Explorer's Compass
Hopefully the list helps instead of comparing between official + what's listed in my crash log :P
I was mining a Panel Full (Spruce Planks) type from a ceiling and it crashed; I'm unsure if Domum Ornamentum is the cause, but it is on the first line, and y'all are Minecolonies pack creators also. MCLogs here
After reloading back into the world, I mined the block with no problems. Let me know if you need anything else from me
BOLLocks sorry I went to sleep then had a Sims day yday haha, I haven't been able to recreate the crash, been mining panels in the same place for a little while now, but I'll try 111 all the same! Wanted to report the crash at least just in case it helps with anything n.n