Domum Ornamentum

Domum Ornamentum


Architect's Cutter won't create cut red sandstone wall or stairs

vincentreynolds opened this issue · 2 comments


The Architect's Cutter shows cut red sandstone wall and stairs as an available variant, but will not create them.


Minecraft 1.20.1
Forge 47.2.0
Domum Ornamentum 1.20.1-1.0.186-RELEASE
MineColonies 1.20.1-1.1.580-BETA

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create world
  2. Place Architect's Cutter and right-click to open UI
  3. Place Cut Red Sandstone blocks in Architect's Cutter. Variants include Wall and Stairs.
  4. Select Stairs in list of variants

Expected behavior

Cut Red Sandstone Stairs should display in output slot, and player should be able to transfer stairs from output to inventory.

Actual behavior

  1. When Stairs are selected as the variant, whatever was selected before—fence, for example—will be displayed in the output slot, and the item will not be removable from the output slot.
  2. The input slot will also intermittently refuse to accept Cut Red Sandstone at all.

This is just a wild guess from a non-Java dev, but could the problem be that the file src/datagen/generated/domum_ornamentum/data/domum_ornamentum/tags/blocks/stairs_materials.json doesn't have an entry for "minecraft:cut_red_sandstone"?


did you find a fix?


No fix. I believe a different material was used as a workaround.