Architects cutter inconsistency
SivartMcDorf opened this issue ยท 11 comments
- I am running the latest alpha version of Structurize for my Minecraft version.
- I checked the MineColonies/Structurize wiki and made sure that my issue is not covered there.
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the architect's cutter is very confusing. When hovering over a recipe it says for example:
Brick Extra Shingles
Supported By Acacia Planks
Covered by Brick Extra
Supported by Brick Extra
but on the architect cutter it goes
Brick extra Acacia plank
Brick extra
and none of the blocks on the architect cutter is labeled
in the carpenter shop, it is
Input 1
input 2
input 3
This is very unclear and confusing and there is no consistency. In support, I was told to just keep trying until it works. That is a stupid answer.
Enhancement or Change description
Need to use a standard configuration/language across all inputs.
suggest all be labelled the same and arrange the blocks on architect cutter in the same configuration so that when you right down ingredients 1,2,3 that in every possible place to put them in they are put in 1,2,3 in the same arrangement
Notes or related things
I really hate this new system, I know it adds a lot of flexibility but the implementation seems to be very poorly planned with no guide put out and inputs that don't make sense. I have been having to explain it over and over again to people on my server and I don't even really understand it.
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Fwiw - I agree that it needs to be labelled better. But I won't thumbs up the idea cos they called my answer stupid. Even though it works =P
Need to use a standard configuration/language across all inputs.
suggest all be labelled the same and arrange the blocks on architect cutter in the same configuration so that when you right down ingredients 1,2,3 that in every possible place to put them in they are put in 1,2,3 in the same arrangement
We tried that, but because it does not fit in the interface it is discarded.
Yes I agree that we should maybe look into reordering the tooltips so they match the slots, but that is about as far as we can go.
Yes the tooltips are not ordered in the same manner as the UI but the UI is always consistent, since it loops over a predefined list. I was pretty sure that I was accurately copying that over when I made DOs tooltips, but I can look over this again to clear it up.
If it's a space issue, maybe each slot could show a different icon next to it, and the tooltip could show the matching icons too? Or the tooltip could show the item icons in approximately the same layout as the cutter.
I was a considering it. But that would mean i would use numbers, which kist looks garbage
Nope not possible DO is explicitly designed to not use anything from Minecolonies, it is a standalone mod on purpose, because this was explicitly asked for.
That said I want to look into this eventually, untill then JEI is your friend
Maybe a UI change? Select the output block type first, which then updates the slots to show the type of block each slot wants (and hides the third slot when unused). The output slot just stays empty if it's not valid for the inputs, instead of hiding the type buttons.
Might even be able to squeeze in the tooltip words next to the input slots that way (esp. if made purely vertical), but icons are probably simpler. Albeit a bit more complex to implement in a tooltip.
Maybe a UI change? Select the output block type first, which then updates the slots to show the type of block each slot wants (and hides the third slot when unused). The output slot just stays empty if it's not valid for the inputs, instead of hiding the type buttons.
Might even be able to squeeze in the tooltip words next to the input slots that way (esp. if made purely vertical), but icons are probably simpler. Albeit a bit more complex to implement in a tooltip.
Was considered and rejected, we try to stay within the current way of doing things with regards how Mojang develops its blocks and systems, with the goal of keeping the mod relatively small.
I will see what I can do, and I can agree that there is a mismatch between the UI of the cutter and the tooltips of the blocks etc, but it is not a bad design or a weird system.
how about just a standard arrangement then for all three menus if text length is the issue maybe try to find shorter descriptive words. As long as all 3 use the same arrangement I think it would be OK so if the architect cutter and teach window both followed the exact same pattern as the tooltip that would be more clear. The architect tool though I have created a lot of incorrect items I will never use trying to figure out what goes in each block. For shortened terms, you could use something like
"Main" for main
"Base" for support
"Cover" for cover
All I am asking for is consistent ease of use. I know it makes sense to you guys from a programming standpoint and because you designed it. I have done UI's and programming about 30 years back and what makes sense to the programmer isn't always intuitive to the general masses. When I get asked by almost every new person on my server trying out minecolonies how to use the items and I have trouble explaining it to me that would indicate an issue. And I admit I am old and at times slow keeping up now that VCR's aren't a thing anymore, but I have trouble figuring this out.
how about just a standard arrangement then for all three menus if text length is the issue maybe try to find shorter descriptive words. As long as all 3 use the same arrangement I think it would be OK so if the architect cutter and teach window both followed the exact same pattern as the tooltip that would be more clear. The architect tool though I have created a lot of incorrect items I will never use trying to figure out what goes in each block. For shortened terms, you could use something like Materials "Main" for main "Base" for support "Cover" for cover
All I am asking for is consistent ease of use. I know it makes sense to you guys from a programming standpoint and because you designed it. I have done UI's and programming about 30 years back and what makes sense to the programmer isn't always intuitive to the general masses. When I get asked by almost every new person on my server trying out minecolonies how to use the items and I have trouble explaining it to me that would indicate an issue. And I admit I am old and at times slow keeping up now that VCR's aren't a thing anymore, but I have trouble figuring this out.
This would work, if not all blocks would be completely different and things like base, main or cover might work for shingles but not for timberframes, doors etc.
understood I have mainly used it for the shingles so that is my experience with it. The only doors I made were an accident as I thought they were the same as the vanilla doors or interchangeable with them. Maybe a guide button like on the builders hut or something then?