Domum Ornamentum

Domum Ornamentum


Change to creative mode crash the game totally

Kateriza opened this issue ยท 5 comments


To who concern.

I put together some mods to play in single player including yours. My husband wanted to play so i decide to put it up in curse. The thing is that he was testing the game and fell in a deep snow block from the new ones of minecraft and when he change his game mode to creative his game completly crashed to close. There is a crash log if you needed. My modpack is: Woodlands Colony.

Thanks for reading.


Interesting, some other mods seems to be adding an empty stack to the creative tab which causes this crash here


A log would definitely help


So in an interesting twist of events and after a little more investigation from my husband, who happens be my #1 tester hehe, he found out that the combination of: Moonlight Lib and Amentment mods with Domum Ornamentum is the reason you cant open the Creative Inventory in previous versions of the pack. I decide that i like more Domum Ornamentum, since my pack is more focus in building a colony out of the woodlands. Letting you know that those 3 are not good friends !. I updated my version is 5.0.0 now and is ready to play if you like.

Thanks for reading


Awesome! Could you make a report to them about this as well? And link them to here if they have any questions. But we're just doing pretty regular creativetab things that shouldn't crash with them.