Alacrity textures are not being rendered correctly
kedamono opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Version: domum_ornamentum-1.18.1-1.0.49-ALPHA
Associated mods: structurize-1.18.1-1.0.387-RELEASE, 4/27/2022 Alacrity resource pack
Issue: When I make a DO panel, stair, slab, gate, wall, fence, or pillar, the panel renders all textures from the Alacrity Resource Pack. The only exception are the plank panels, they render the correct texture for the different wood types.
Attached is a random sampling of incorrect renders and correct renders.
@kedamono Did you load this resourcepack at runtime?
I will see what I can do...
Maybe there is something special with those textures.
It was preloaded from a totally separate session. And that date was on the 27th, 2 days ago, but I've been having this issue with Alacrity for a couple of weeks.
I think I now know what the cause of this is, since I had a similar issue in C&B.
If I can find the time between exams I might fix this.
Hi Orion, have you made any progress on this issue? I'll be happy to test this if you have!