Domum Ornamentum

Domum Ornamentum


Cannot craft paper walls

uecasm opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Using 1.0.9-ALPHA.

There does not appear to be any combination of items that can be placed in the architect's cutter that will display the option to craft a blockpaperwall.


Was not intended to remove them from this. Should re-add all those that are not in default here


The above wasn't quite true -- there are some items that work, but not the ones you'd expect (and not the ones that are used in MineColonies schematics).

It looks like the main problem is that #6 removed the option to use BlockTags.PLANKS (among a lot of other things) for the paper wall frame. Probably all of those removals need to be inspected to see if they were intended or accidental. (And if they were intended, then the MineColonies schematics need fixing.)